移动支付强强联手 三星Pay与支付宝宣布合作!|雅博app官网下载最新版V7.24.568
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has struck a partnership with Chinese payment service Alipay, to expand Samsung Pay in the worlds largest smartphone market.为不断扩大三星缴纳在世界仅次于的智能手机市场的影响力,三星电子有限公司与中国缴纳服务平台支付宝达成协议合作关系。Currently Alipay is a separate app on the devices. When customers pay, they need to open the Alipay app, then scan a QR code provided by the retailer.目前支付宝是一款独立国家的电子设备应用软件,消费者缴纳时必须关上支付宝app,然后扫瞄商家获取的二维码展开缴纳。
But Samsung Pay users are now able to link to their Alipay accounts and access to Alipays QR codes to make payments, without separately opening the Alipay app.而如今,三星缴纳的使用者不必须分开关上支付宝应用程序,就可以相连到他们的支付宝账户并用于支付宝二维码展开缴纳。Samsung officials hope that by using Samsung Pay more directly, it will increase the popularity of the South Korean companys payment technology in China as it battles US rival Apple Inc.三星公司高层期望通过更加必要的缴纳方式,来不断扩大该韩国公司的缴纳技术在中国的普及度,以此与他们的输掉美国苹果公司竞争。Samsung Pay was launched in China in March, a month after Apple Pay.在苹果缴纳发售一个月之后,三星缴纳也于今年三月份在中国发售。
Run by Alibaba Group Holding Ltds finance arm Ant Financial, Alipay is by far Chinas largest payment service with 450 million active registered users.由阿里巴巴集团旗下金融部门蚂蚁金服运营,并享有四亿五千万活跃用户的支付宝是目前中国仅次于的缴纳服务平台。The cooperation with Alipay provides us with a new application scenario, and also offers a more efficient payment method for users who are accustomed to Alipay, said Wang Tong, president of Samsung Electronics product strategy and RD in China region.三星电子产品战略和研发部门经理王彤回应:“与支付宝合作,为我们获取了一种新的运营方式,也为习惯用于支付宝的用户获取了一种更加高效的缴纳手段。